When was the last time you have an hearing test?
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Behind-the-Ear (BTE)
The world's most commonly used hearing aid style is behind the ear, or BTE.

Receiver In Canal (RIC)
Receiver in canal hearing aids are easy to operate and provide a comfortable fit.

In-the-Ear (ITE)
In the modern world, customization has become a vital part of any experience.

In-the-Canal (ITC)
The ITC custom hearing aid is the most popular style among custom hearing aids.

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)
There are many different types of hearing aids available, but customized...

Invisible In Canal (IIC)
If you have a severe hearing loss, you still have multiple options for finding...
Audiometry Test
Hearing loss comes with age, but as per the WHO reports, approximately 63 million people are suffering from some kind of hearing impairment. One way to detect hearing loss is through an audiometry test.
Tympanometry Test
Tympanometry can help diagnose disorders that might cause hearing loss, especially among children. It specifically evaluates the function of your middle ear by measuring the movement of your eardrum. The most frequent disorders with your middle ear are usually easy to cure.
It is performed when a baby fails a newborn hearing test at a hospital, as well as for older children whose hearing loss is suspected. It is performed to determine the children’s hearing level and the magnitude of hearing loss.
Otoacoustic Emissions Test
What is an Otoacoustic Emission?The ear has three major parts- the outer, the middle, and the inner ear. Otoacoustic Emission is a sound produced by the inner ear when we hear any sound.
Vertigo Test
The VHIT is an instrumented bedside technique used to diagnose a reduction in vestibular function in one ear compared to the other. An examiner abruptly accelerates and then decelerates the head, moving the head in rapidly at high speed and then stopping it.
Tinnitus is a medical term describing the ringing, hissing, buzzing, or other noises in the ears. The noise you hear in one or both of your ears is usually not external, and others can’t hear it.
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